Transfer pricing for foreign subsidiaries & foreign branches

Successful Australian startups often launch quickly into Asian markets. However, 随着国际扩张,业务结构和国际税收的决策可能会支持或阻碍你未来的计划和盈利能力. These include issues relating to transfer pricing, foreign subsidiaries & foreign branches.

If you’re expanding internationally, 你要做的第一个决定是是否把你的海外业务作为一个 foreign branch or a foreign subsidiary. Your choice will depend on many different factors, such as how your business model is set up, 你想在哪个国家投资?你想在那个国家从事什么活动.

The decision about whether to structure your overseas business as a foreign branch or subsidiary is important as it will influence how your profits are taxed, what income tax reporting requirements your company must follow, and which ‘transfer pricing’ (ie international tax) obligations arise. 如果你在多个国家经营,转让定价是一个具有挑战性的税务合规问题.

我们简要解释适用于外国分支机构或子公司的转让定价要求, but firstly, some definitions you need to understand.

Foreign branch, foreign subsidiary & transfer pricing

A foreign branch 是你们在海外的澳门赌场官网业务的一个组成部分吗, for example a foreign office or sales unit. 出于税收目的,外国分支机构通常被称为“常设机构”。.

A foreign subsidiary is your other alternative. 外国子公司是一个独立的实体,由你的澳门赌场官网公司拥有和控制. This means that it is registered as a company, its profits are assessed separately, 并且必须在其居住国提交自己的所得税申报表. 支付给澳门赌场官网公司的利润分配和其他款项可能需要缴纳预扣税. 这些付款是否也在澳门赌场官网征税取决于澳门赌场官网和另一个国家之间是否存在双重征税协议(DTA).

Transfer prices 关联公司的价格是否适用于其内部交易. 澳门赌场官网税法要求这些交易的定价就像它们发生在非关联方之间一样——这被称为“一臂之遥”原则. This not only applies to the intercompany sale of goods and services, but to all transactions that occur between related parties.

Australian transfer pricing law and requirements

When non-related parties have dealings with each other, 从理论上讲,各方都会努力协商出一个符合自身经济利益的价格. This is basically how market prices come into existence. 因为你的国外子公司是由你控制的(通过你的澳门赌场官网公司), you have the power to influence pricing. 转让定价立法旨在确保关联方之间的价格反映市场价格——换句话说,就是保持一定的距离. To enforce this, ATO要求您保留转让定价文件,以证实您的转让定价政策.

Most Australian businesses with foreign subsidiaries 将需要进行一项转让定价研究(通常称为“转让定价手册”),以确定你的转让价格是否“合理”。. 本手册应包含对贵公司业务和贵公司集团中所有相关方的描述, 对你所在的澳门赌场官网和全球行业的分析, 还有一项基准研究,以确定你的转让价格应该在什么范围内. See more detail here on Australia’s transfer pricing requirements.

ATO允许符合条件的实体选择退出澳门赌场官网的全部转让定价要求. However, documentation is still required to prove your eligibility. See the Simplified Transfer Pricing Record Keeping’ (STPRK) options available here.

Transfer pricing for foreign branches

For transfer pricing purposes, branches are not considered to be interrelated parties. 这意味着某些转让定价文件要求不适用于您的业务和您的国外分支机构之间的交易. However, 盈利能力应在每个司法管辖区之间进行分配,以复制本应达到的盈利能力, if these were separate entities at ‘arm’s length’.

In addition, 您首先必须确定哪些业务职能是由分支机构(或常设机构)执行的,哪些是由您的澳门赌场官网公司执行的. Based on this analysis, 然后,您可能需要进行基准研究(但不是完整的转让定价手册),以确定所执行功能的公平考虑.

Avoid international tax risks

Cross-border activities are a core focus of the ATO’s review activity, 当你的实体和要求看起来有点模糊时,你很容易把自己置于危险之中. 我们遇到过一些创业公司,他们对国际税收问题不屑一顾, 当ATO证实存在额外的隐性税收成本时,他们辉煌的盈利企业却在一夜之间化为灰烬. 寻求专业建议是必要的,以确保您符合澳门赌场官网的立法和转让定价规则,为您的外国子公司或分支机构.

Accru Felsers 是创业公司的坚定支持者,并成功地帮助许多企业在澳门赌场官网迈出了第一步,并成功地发展到海外的下一个阶段. While we are global business specialists, 我们可以为小型企业提供专业的国际税务服务.

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Accru Australia
Accru是一个屡获殊荣的独立拥有的澳门官方赌场网络. We help businesses grow, 在管理财务风险和合规的同时,为其所有者茁壮成长并创造财富.
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